George London to Northampton Man And Van 07731807528

**as low as £460**
transit van

£460 for one man and transit van

Driver helps load and unload


long base high top van

**Need storage in London for a few days? Free up to 30 square feet.**

luton van

One man luton van London to Northampton £680

Driver helps load and unload

luton van

luton van and two men

London to Northampton £880

Click to Send Mail

2 men and van within London £60ph

minimum 2 hour charge


Helper just at London end? add £30

All our vans have 3 seats


2 men luton van within London £70 ph

minimum 2 hour charge


Helper just at London end? add £30

van is 3 seater

About Me, The Man and Van


I've been doing moves like forever

even longer

around 18 years.


this man and van webpage was mostly my own work apart from the excellent free template from w3css

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